When life throws you scraps, make a quilt. ~ Author Unknown
As part of our tie-dye dye in the park day I had the kids do some long strips of white quilt fabric. I was hoping for bright multicoloured stips I could sew into a beach blanket. But when the strips came back the colours didn't really work as long strips. They were a bit muddier and more pink that I thought they would be. So took them up to the cottage and waited for inspiration to strike. In the end I decided to cut them into squares and assemble a quilt top (which is still just a quilt top until I finish the embroidery on it.)
After getting it sewn I hung in on the line for a picture. It was a bit windy that day and the quilt attracted the attention of 4 stray kids who turned it into a game.
For the last few years, on our hike at the nature centre near our cottage, we have built an inukshuk and taken the kids' picture. It started the year that we found this on an early morning canoe ride around the island across the lake.